The hygienic valve field is a system built specifically for pipelines in sectors such as food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. This system is used to direct, control, and regulate product flow in pipelines. The hygienic valve field is manufactured of stainless steel, which is hygienic and easily cleanable. It is also designed to allow for quick and simple maintenance while preserving product quality and preventing pipeline interruptions.

The hygienic valve field is typically composed of the following components:

Hygienic valves: They are used to control the movement of product in a pipeline. Hygienic valves are made of special materials that can be sterilized at high temperatures and are easy to clean. Among the valves used, there can be different types such as ball valve, butterfly valve, diaphragm valve and double-seat valve.

Flanges: These are the parts used to join the pipelines. Since the hygienic flanges are made of the same material as the pipeline and have sealing feature, they ensure the hygienic protection of the product flow in the pipeline.

Manometers: Used to measure the pressure in the pipeline.

Flow meters: Used to measure the flow in the pipeline.

Pressure reducers: Used to regulate the pressure in the pipeline.

The hygienic valve field plays an important role in maintaining product quality. Also, thanks to the hygienic valve field, it becomes easier to direct and control the product flow. Contact us for your hygienic valve field needs.